What should i do to make sure all of my furniture is properly packed for a house move?

Packing tips for moving Use boxes that are the right size. Place the heaviest items at the bottom of the boxes and the lighter items at the top.

What should i do to make sure all of my furniture is properly packed for a house move?

Packing tips for moving Use boxes that are the right size. Place the heaviest items at the bottom of the boxes and the lighter items at the top. Don't leave empty spaces in the boxes. Avoid mixing items from different rooms in the same box.

Label each box with the room it's intended for and a description of its contents. Make it a goal to eat as much of the food you already have at home as possible before moving day. It's a common myth about moving that all you need to pack and protect your belongings are cardboard boxes, duct tape, and moving blankets. So before we get started with packing tips and tricks, here are some moving tricks to help you get started on the right foot.

These packing tips will help you keep every piece of furniture you own during every phase of your move.